
Men of Harlech

1st Bb Flute Score


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Verse 1

Tongues of fire on Idris flaring,

News of foemen near declaring,

To heroic deeds of daring,

Call you, Harlech men.

Groans of wounded peasants dying,

Wales of wives and children flying,

For the distant succour crying,

Call you, Harlech men.

Shall the voice of wailing

Now be unavailing

You to rouse, who never yet

In battle’s hour were failing?

This our answer, crowds down pouring,

Swift as winter torrents roaring;

Not in vain the voice imploring

Calls on Harlech men.

Verse 2

Loud the martial pipes are sounding,

Every manly heart is bounding,

As our trusted chief surrounding,

March we, Harlech men.

Short the sleep the foe is taking;

Ere the morrow’s morn is breaking,

They shall have a rude awaking,

Roused by Harlech men.

Mothers, cease your weeping,

Calm may be your sleeping,

You and yours in safety now,

The Harlech men are keeping.

Ere the sun is high in heaven,

They you fear, by panic riven,

Shall, like frightened sheep, be driven

Far by Harlech men.

Design Jason Powell, 2020.